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[lang_es]Descubrir Ibiza en Jeep 4×4[/lang_es]
[lang_en]Discover Ibiza by Jeep 4×4[/lang_en]
[lang_fr]Découvrir Ibiza en Jeep 4×4[/lang_fr]
[lang_it]Discover Ibiza by Jeep 4×4[/lang_it]
[lang_de]Discover Ibiza by Jeep 4×4[/lang_de]
[lang_ru]Discover Ibiza by Jeep 4×4[/lang_ru]
[lang_jp]Discover Ibiza by Jeep 4×4[/lang_jp]
[lang_es]Une excursión alrededor de la isla en Jeep para explorar las más bellas playas et descubrir el aspecto mágico e histórico de Ibiza, desde los fenicios hasta nuestros días.[/lang_es]
[lang_en]A trip around the island in a Jeep to see the most beautiful beaches and to discover the magical history of Ibiza.[/lang_en]
[lang_fr]Une excursion autour de l’île en Jeep pour explorer les plus belles plages et découvrir l’aspect magique et historique d’Ibiza, des phéniciens à nos jours.[/lang_fr]
[lang_it]A trip around the island in a Jeep to see the most beautiful beaches and to discover the magical history of Ibiza.[/lang_it]
[lang_de]A trip around the island in a Jeep to see the most beautiful beaches and to discover the magical history of Ibiza.[/lang_de]
[lang_ru]A trip around the island in a Jeep to see the most beautiful beaches and to discover the magical history of Ibiza.[/lang_ru]
[lang_jp]A trip around the island in a Jeep to see the most beautiful beaches and to discover the magical history of Ibiza.[/lang_jp]
[lang_es]Visitad la costa y el interior de la isla en un recorrido de 150 km. a través de bellas playas y lugares mágicos, con tres escalas previstas para disfrutar de almuerzo y playa.
Sa Caleta,
Cala Jondal,
Cala d'Hort,
Es Vedra,
Cala Vadella,
Cala Tarida,
Cala Conté /parada para baño de mar.
San Antonio
Interior de la isla,
Santa Agnes, San Mateo,
Norte, San Miguel,
Benirras/detención para baño de mar y almuerzo en picnic o restaurant
San Juan, y las playas del este de la isla…
El recorrido puede variar a petición
Salida a las 8hs. de la mañana desde el hotel – regreso a las 19h[/lang_es]
[lang_en]Excursions and Tour of the island of Ibiza: Visit the coast and the interior of the island in a course of 150km through the most beautiful beaches and magical places of Ibiza where you'll enjoy 3 stops for bathing.
Itinerary: Sa Calleta,
Cala Jondal,
Cala Dort,
Es Vedra,
Cala Vadella,
Cala Tarida,
Cala Conté
bathing pause
San Antonio
In the heart of the island:
Santa Agnes, San Matieu,
In the North, port San miguel,
Benirras / Bathing pause, picnic or restaurant lunch
San Juan and the Eastern beaches of the island...
Itinerary can vary at the client's request.
Departure from Ciel Azul at 8 am and return at 7 pm.[/lang_en]
[lang_fr]Visitez la côte et l’intérieur de l'île sur un parcours de 150km, à travers les belles plages et lieux magiques d’Ibiza, où 3 escales sont prévues pour les repas et la baignade.
Sa Caleta,
Cala Jondal,
Cala d'Hort,
Es Vedra,
Cala Vadella,
Cala Tarida,
Cala Conté /arrêt pour baignade
San Antonio
Intérieur de l’ile,
Santa Agnes, San Mateo,
Nord, San miguel,
Benirras/arrêt pour baignade et déjeuner en piquenique ou restaurant
San Juan, et les plages de l’est de l’ile...
Le trajet peut varier selon les demandes
Départ à 8h du matin de l’hôtel - retour à 19h [/lang_fr]
[lang_it]Excursions and Tour of the island of Ibiza: Visit the coast and the interior of the island in a course of 150km through the most beautiful beaches and magical places of Ibiza where you'll enjoy 3 stops for bathing.Itinerary: Sa Calleta,
Cala Jondal,
Cala Dort,
Es Vedra,
Cala Vadella,
Cala Tarida,
Cala Conté
bathing pause
San Antonio
In the heart of the island:
Santa Agnes, San Matieu,
In the North, port San miguel,
Benirras / Bathing pause, picnic or restaurant lunch
San Juan and the Eastern beaches of the island...
Itinerary can vary at the client's request.
Departure from Ciel Azul at 8 am and return at 7 pm.[/lang_it]
[lang_de]Excursions and Tour of the island of Ibiza: Visit the coast and the interior of the island in a course of 150km through the most beautiful beaches and magical places of Ibiza where you'll enjoy 3 stops for bathing.Itinerary: Sa Calleta,
Cala Jondal,
Cala Dort,
Es Vedra,
Cala Vadella,
Cala Tarida,
Cala Conté
bathing pause
San Antonio
In the heart of the island:
Santa Agnes, San Matieu,
In the North, port San miguel,
Benirras / Bathing pause, picnic or restaurant lunch
San Juan and the Eastern beaches of the island...
Itinerary can vary at the client's request.
Departure from Ciel Azul at 8 am and return at 7 pm.[/lang_de]
[lang_ru]Excursions and Tour of the island of Ibiza: Visit the coast and the interior of the island in a course of 150km through the most beautiful beaches and magical places of Ibiza where you'll enjoy 3 stops for bathing.Itinerary: Sa Calleta,
Cala Jondal,
Cala Dort,
Es Vedra,
Cala Vadella,
Cala Tarida,
Cala Conté
bathing pause
San Antonio
In the heart of the island:
Santa Agnes, San Matieu,
In the North, port San miguel,
Benirras / Bathing pause, picnic or restaurant lunch
San Juan and the Eastern beaches of the island...
Itinerary can vary at the client's request.
Departure from Ciel Azul at 8 am and return at 7 pm.[/lang_ru]
[lang_jp]Excursions and Tour of the island of Ibiza: Visit the coast and the interior of the island in a course of 150km through the most beautiful beaches and magical places of Ibiza where you'll enjoy 3 stops for bathing.Itinerary: Sa Calleta,
Cala Jondal,
Cala Dort,
Es Vedra,
Cala Vadella,
Cala Tarida,
Cala Conté
bathing pause
San Antonio
In the heart of the island:
Santa Agnes, San Matieu,
In the North, port San miguel,
Benirras / Bathing pause, picnic or restaurant lunch
San Juan and the Eastern beaches of the island...
Itinerary can vary at the client's request.
Departure from Ciel Azul at 8 am and return at 7 pm.[/lang_jp]
Jeep 4x4: C/Llevant,7 - Cala Martina - 07840 Santa Eularia des Rio -Ibiza - España -
Tel: (+34) 971 330 452 – (+34) 600 481 449 Fax: (+34) 971 330 452